Criminal defamation - GS questions based on daily current affairs

1)   As per proposers of decriminalizing law on defamation, which article is attacked by the law on criminal defamation?

1) 19
2) 21
3) 13

a. 2, 3
b. 1, 2
c. 1
d. All of the above
Answer  Explanation 

ANSWER: 1, 2


  • The SC noted that reputation of an individual is an equally important right and stood on the same pedestal as free speech.
  • The criminalising defamation does not attack freedom of speech and expression.
  • One has a right to freedom of speech and expression. One is also required to maintain the idea of fraternity that assures the dignity of the individual.

2)   Which sections of Macaulay’s IPC relate to the law on criminal defamation?

a. 65, 67, 69
b. 499 and 500
c. 512, 515, 516
d. 123 and 124
Answer  Explanation 

ANSWER: 499 and 500


  • Sections 499 and 500 of Macaulay’s Indian Penal Code of 1860 prescribes two years’ imprisonment for a person found guilty of defamation.
  • The SC upheld the constitutional validity of this law recently.